In this tutorial, you used REST API to create an Azure data factory to copy data from an Azure blob to Azure SQL Database. By default all Azure Functions is secured with a master key, and I have put this into Key Vault to configure my Function linked service like this (here is a description of linking data factory … Vote Vote Vote. Azure Data Factory pipelines may use the Web activity to call ADF REST API methods if and only if the Azure Data Factory managed identity is assigned the Contributor role.. More information about the problem I am trying to solve at the end of this post. Azure Data Factory and REST APIs – Dealing with oauth2 authentication In this first post I am going to discuss how to apply oauth2 authentication to ingest REST APIs data. Archived Forums > ... 2.We take the access key from step 1 and use that to call the API by building a URL as you have done . At this time, REST APIs require you to modify the JSON yourself. query: boolean Recovery mode flag. Here are the high-level steps you performed in this tutorial: Created an Azure data factory. So, this should be simple. You have an Azure Functions activity in Data Factory, documented here. Vote. Zekaryah is right in mentioning that use postman/curl/poweshell first and make that work , once you are successful , implementing that in ADF should be easy. Create an Azure Data Factory; Make sure Data Factory can authenticate to the Key Vault; Create an Azure Data Factory pipeline (use my example) Run the pipeline and high-five the nearest person in the room Permissions required. For today’s post, we’re going to do a REST call towards an Azure API. I have a REST API I need to call from Azure Data Factory and insert the data into a SQL table. Azure Data Factory: Access REST API source with parameters. Some linked services in Azure Data Factory can be parameterized through the UI. For this we’re going to create a “ Servce Principal ” and afterwards use the credentials from this object to get an access token (via the Oauth2 Client Credentials Grant ) for our API. The article builds on Copy Activity in Azure Data Factory, which presents a general overview of Copy Activity.. How can we improve Microsoft Azure Data Factory? Your name. Directly call web api to receive JSON data I want to be able to call an api running as Azure Web Api api and consume JOSN data at regular intervals. Before using the Azure Data Factory’s REST API in a Web activity’s Settings tab, security must be configured. Recently, I needed to parameterize a Data Factory linked service pointing to a REST API. 30 votes. Created linked services: An Azure Storage linked service to link your Azure Storage account that holds input data. ← Data Factory. Sign in. If recovery mode is set to true, the specified referenced pipeline run and the new run will be grouped under the same groupId. OAUTH2 became a standard de facto in cloud and SaaS services, it used widely by Twitter, Microsoft Azure, Amazon. Others require that you modify the JSON to achieve your goal. REST API Authentication – Azure Data Factory vs Azure Logic Apps By Bob Rubocki - October 30 2018 Lately we’ve been in conversations with customers about using either Data Factory or Logic Apps for pulling data from applications, maybe using REST API Calls. APPLIES TO: Azure Data Factory Azure Synapse Analytics This article outlines how to use Copy Activity in Azure Data Factory to copy data from an HTTP endpoint. The difference among this HTTP connector, the REST connector and the Web table connector are: