Regarding the former, the survey mentions Moses and Joshua, and Elijah It’s significant to me that discipleship has been consistently practiced throughout history by the followers of God. 1 Kgs 19:21). EIN: 48-1062723 Privacy Policy, The Renovaré Book Club is Underway! 2. Joshua went up the mountain with Moses to receive the law while everyone else remained; Moses’ aid learned the proper way to live and lead, and thus was groomed for taking his place and carrying on his mission. Discipleship in the life of Abraham: New Comer God calls Abraham in Genesis: 12: 1 – that was the beginning of his Historical relationship with God as recorded… Dis­ci­ple­ship is the sta­tus or posi­tion with­in which spir­i­tu­al (trans)formation occurs. The dis­ci­ple is one aspect of the pro­gres­sive and mas­sive decen­tral­iza­tion of Judaism that began with the destruc­tion of the first Tem­ple (588 BC) and the Baby­lon­ian exile, and pro­ceeds through the dis­per­sal of the Jew­ish peo­ple among the nations that fol­lowed the destruc­tion of Jerusalem in 70 AD. In oth­ers words, you can­not have the with-God life with­out liv­ing life with God. Analyzing them, I found something surprising. But once we grow up, we don’t really take the time to study the Old Testament. Jesus moved about the Jew­ish vil­lages and towns, pri­mar­i­ly around the Sea of Galilee, with occa­sion­al for­ays beyond that and espe­cial­ly to Jerusalem. Dal­las gives us the his­to­ry, and Jesus shows us the way. Definition & List of Colleges, The Best Missions College Degrees & Where To Find Them, 33 Christian Prayers & Scriptures About Fear You Can Pray, The Ultimate Guide to Missionary College Programs, What Education Is Needed To Become A Missionary? 23:25 – 26). It is one … An inten­tion­al way to read for trans­for­ma­tion. In the past, teachers/rabbis would take young men whom they thought had the aptitude to understand and further their message. On to two other prophets–Elijah and Elisha. Discipleship involves an apprenticeship in which the ap - prentice, or student, is brought toward a particular goal. The NT stresses the privileges, joys and cost of this calling. As I began to approach my study of discipleship several weeks ago, I wrote down the questions for which I would like to find the answers on this subject. Almost all of the disciples participated in this style of discipleship, and it is what caused the growth of the Christian faith following Jesus' departure. But it is important to not neglect the Old Testament; there are 39 books chock full of history, principles, and prophecy, that cannot be overlooked. Discipleship / November 21, 2019 by Alyssia Lee. Also, anoint Jehu son of Nimshi king over Israel, and anoint Elisha son of Shaphat from Abel Meholah to succeed you as prophet. Elisha followed and learned from Elijah up to the point of Elijah being carried off to heaven in a chariot of fire. Learn more... PO Box 370090, Denver CO 80237-0090 So we’ll examine scriptures in both the New and Old Testament to better understand what the Biblical model. The state of following Jesus Christ, and serving and obeying him. Patterns of Discipleship in the New Testament is a great resource for diving into biblical discipleship. What this most recent ver­sion of evan­gel­i­cal­ism lacks is a the­ol­o­gy of dis­ci­ple­ship. Such pas­sages as Matthew chap­ters 5 – 7, John chap­ters 14 – 17, Romans 12, 1 Corinthi­ans 13, Eph­esians chap­ters 4 – 5, and Colos­sians 3 read­i­ly come to mind. T. (on the Day of Atonement) b. The Synoptic traditions, John, and Paul portray discipleship in ways that are distinct, yet complementary. Terms & Conditions | Privacy Policy | A Bethany International Website. discipleship, nature of discipleship, cost of disciples, characteristics of Self Sacrifice Discipleship Whoever does not carry his own cross and come after Me cannot be My disciple. The situation is different in the Old Testament and in the rest of the New Testament. Jesus’ obser­va­tion that ​“a dis­ci­ple does not rise above his teacher; but every­one after he has been ful­ly trained will reach his teacher’s lev­el” (Luke 6:40), was both a com­mon­place obser­va­tion about the nature of the rabbi/​disciple rela­tion and — as the con­text makes clear — a warn­ing about the lim­i­ta­tions and dan­gers of that arrange­ment. “Discipleship Explored”, for example, which is the follow up to “Christianity Explored” is a study of the book of Philippians. "A fine collection of essays on discipleship that offers a comprehensive treatment of the New Testament materials, spanning the Gospels, Acts, Paul's letters, and other New Testament writings. On the one hand, if the program is intended for new believers, this biblical emphasis is understandable. Rather, as express­ing what lies ​“beyond the right­eous­ness of the scribes and Phar­isees” (Matt. This study provides an overview of discipleship models in the Old Testament. Moses was the man who split the Red Sea and led the Israelites out of Egyptian captivity. We as dis­ci­ples of Christ are called into this same kind of rela­tion­ship with our great Rab­bi. His instruc­tion as he left was for his dis­ci­ples to make dis­ci­ples of all ​“nations” — of all types of peo­ple — and his promise was that he would be with them always until the end of the age (Matt. Proximity (Ex. The word discipleship never occurs in the Bible. Then Moses would return to the camp, but his young aide Joshua son of Nun did not leave the tent. If you study the New Testament, you will find that all of the disciples lost their lives professing their faith, and trying to encourage and build up others. Nev­er­the­less, the basic nature of the rabbi/​disciple rela­tion­ship of his day was retained by Jesus and his dis­ci­ples and, arguably, remains nor­ma­tive to this day. We humble ourselves and not only are we students, but we spread the gospel and disciple others. One example is Moses and Joshua in the Old Testament and another, New Testament example is found in the narrative of Jesus’ three years of ministry. He was a founding member of Renovaré. What Is A Missionary College? These are not just pas­sages stat­ing required behav­iors, as laws might do — ​“Turn the oth­er cheek” and so forth — not a new and stern­er legal­ism. It is true that most of those who became rab­bis did so by study­ing under a rab­bi, and hav­ing a ​“for­mal” train­ing had some obvi­ous advan­tages. Discipleship cannot … 5:20), they are indi­ca­tions of what life becomes for those who are devot­ed dis­ci­ples of Jesus Christ with­in the fel­low­ship of dis­ci­ples and under the admin­is­tra­tion of the Word and of the Holy Spir­it. We read all the feedback given, but it often helps to follow up with questions. Disciples of Christ imitate Christ and bring glory to God. ​“With him” meant in that day that they were lit­er­al­ly where he was and were pro­gres­sive­ly engaged in doing what he was doing. A lot of times in America, we grow up learning or hearing the stories of the Old Testament in Sunday school, stories like Jonah and the Whale, David and Goliath, Queen Esther, Moses splitting the Red Sea. Proximity (Ex. The Lord spoke to him and appointed him as a prophet to speak the word of the Lord to the people while they were journeying to their promised land. In this article I suggest that discipleship—helping others follow Jesus—flows directly from being a disciple of Jesus. Some stu­dents did very well, mem­o­riz­ing huge por­tions of scrip­ture and lis­ten­ing to inter­pre­ta­tions by teach­ers. Now that it’s clear where discipleship is mentioned and that it is a major practice of the Bible, I encourage you to take part in it, whether you’re being discipled, or discipling another. You also became imi­ta­tors of us and of the Lord, hav­ing received the word in much tribu­la­tion with the Joy of the Holy Spir­it, so that you became an exam­ple to all believ­ers in Mace­do­nia and in Acha­ia.” (1 Thess. Before we dive into scripture, it is important to at least have a brief understanding of where discipleship originated and why it was and is practiced. As Jesus was walking beside the Sea of Galilee, he saw two brothers, Simon called Peter and his brother Andrew. (“Can a blind per­son guide a blind per­son? Hosea 6:3 . . The New Testament is opened up to English readers in a depth formerly available only to those who carefully studied their Greek New Testament. In the present book, 13 scholars share the "overarching thesis" that "each of the New Testament writers presents the concept of Christian discipleship in a manner related to his own ideological background and perspectives, the perceived needs and understanding of his audience, and the specific details of the situation addressed" (p. 6).